Diorama Tiles | Curse of the Citadel “The Great Hall”

Expansion set for the Curse of the Citadel Dungeon series!

Expansion Set "Great Hall" with new Wall Scenery Set, new Lava-Tile-Set and new Castle Tiles.

Campaign launching during 2024! Welcome to the Great Hall campaign preview page!

My next campaign will expand the Curse of the Citadel set and continue the “classic dungeon” theme.
On this page you will get a first impression of what to expect in this adventure. You also have the possibility to subscribe to my newsletter. This way you are on the safe side, as I will notify you at the start of the campaign!

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WIP | Work in Progress

An unexpected adventure will lead to unexpected discoveries…

Wall Scenery Set “The Great Hall”

… stories have reached us of magnificent halls where the walls are lined with columns and ornate reliefs depict the noble and brave deeds of heroes from past ages …
Even deep in the rocks on which the citadel was built, halls were cut into the stone. Gigantic columns support the massive cave ceiling, whose ceiling is high above your heads.
In awe, you enter these truly heroic halls, ready to face whatever awaits you here….

Torch Detail
Torch and Root Detail
Sneaky Spider
Torches Detail FDM test print

More to come!